miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Pan pita Tarboush

Pedidos al :991667264

Bolsa de pan pita 10 unid.

Maquina de Shawerma

Shawerma : EL taco árabe


Hummus es una crema de garbanzos con ajonjolí y aceite de oliva en la parte superior.
Creamy hummus served with olive oil, pine nuts and fresh hot pita bread

Crema de garbanzo con salsa tahine más 2 pan pita.

Shish Kabab

Shish Kabab es un anticucho de carne de cordero.
Shish Kabob (also written as kebap, kebab, kibob) refers to a variety of grilled/broiled meat dishes in Middle Eastern cuisine. Kebobs usually consist of lamb and beef, though particular styles of kebob have chicken.

shawerma al plato

Shawerma se puede hacer a base de carne de pavo, cordero, res o una mezcla de ellas y se acompaña de una ensalada árabe y arroz al curry.

Shawarma (also spelled Chawarma, Shwarma, Shawerma, Shoarma or Shaorma) is a Middle Eastern-style sandwich usually composed of shaved lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or a mixture of meats. Shawarma is a popular dish across the Middle East, and is consumed by many across the rest of the world as well. It is related to the famous gyros of Greece.


Falafel (Croquetas de garbanzo)
Falafel is a fried ball or patty made from spiced fava beans and/or chickpeas. Falafel is usually served as a sandwich wrapped in pita bread. Along with the falafel balls, which may be crushed onto the bread or added whole, topping variations are usually included. Falafel balls may also be eaten alone as a snack or served as part of a mezze.

Restaurante & Panadería

Venta de pan árabe blanco e integral,comida árabe, organización de eventos y servicio de catering también tenemos alquiler de máquina de shawerma.

Pedidos al : 991667264

martes, 13 de enero de 2009